There are times I really don't understand

how FOX keeps it's hold on the sheep, but as I peruse the headlines, I can see what's happening. Bullshit Mountain operates from a basic position of 'keep em scared', whether it's a vague threat of an ISIS attack, or subtle reminders about that Black Guy in the White House, a constant harangue about the 'persecution of Christians', consistent anit-Hillary/BENGHAZI! bullshit, relentless attacks on basic science, like denying climate change and an improving economy (after they wrecked it) and an underlying, pervasive theme of the superiority of rural (undereducated) Americans vs (well educated) urban 'snobs'. It's constant, and very effective. Congrats to Murdoch/Ailes, in collusion with Karl Rove, for recognizing a market (low information/income/education), exploiting it and making sure it hates Dems/Socialists! and votes Republican, against their own well-being. Genius! I can understand the 1% voting Repub, but the rest of the sheep? UNbelievable, but that's what propaganda is all about. If the sheep believe GW and The Dick got 'fooled' by bad intelligence about Iraq, they'll believe ANYTHING.


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