I'm just guessing, but I'd bet my house,that the Pubs are gonna bitch

about the Iran nuclear deal, that the US and all the major European nations hammered out, over several years and months. Because it's not PERFECT, the rightwingnuts are gonna attack it, for political reasons, when there are only 3 choices. Ignore 'em, bomb 'em, or negotiate, and the Repub nutballs are against negotiation, when you could bomb em instead, after they already messed up that whole part of the world, with their 'shock and awe', followed by torture, while claiming Saddam was behind 9-11.Who can't see through this BS? Oh yeah, the sheep. Same old crap from the warmongers who make Big Bucks when US soldiers get killed and wounded in the MidEast. Nothing new here, but sickening just the same, as the Party of NO!, led by Bullshit Mountain, has a one note song.
Whatever Obama does, without regard to choices, we're AGAINST it! And please forget why the MidEast is SO screwed up, after GW and the Dick, TOTALLY screwed it up, based on LIES, to jack up the price of oil, their family business. Obvious to EVERYONE, except the sheep, like everything else...


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