In the farcical world of the Pubs,

we heard that if they had a majority in Congress we'd finally see something get done. Now that they have it they're doing NOTHING, but kicking the can down the road, where it looks like we're headed to another Pub-inspired 'shut down' of the govt, which is fine, a year before the elections. Also, should be interesting as the Pope comes to visit and we see the disconnect between what the Pubs SAY and what they DO, when it comes to environmental and humanitarian issues, among others. Then, we have some Pubs claiming a POW isn't a 'hero', but every soldier, cop and fireman IS a bona fide 'hero', as they've diluted the word to include every public employee who wears a taxpayer provided uniform.
Plus, they continue to let the 'perfect' be the enemy of good, and in their fantasy world, we should ignore Cuba and Iran, cuz we can't resolve EVERY issue dividing us. Why talk and negotiate, when you can just 'ignore' or do their favorite, which is to BOMB 'em? Should be really fun to watch them self destruct, as the clown car candidates will say and do anything, to appeal to their personal brand of crazies. I'm thinking a 3rd party, where all the crazies can gather together, sorta like FOXNews.


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