Like they ALWAYS do, FOXNews chose a side,

and it's the WRONG one. In their continual 'War on Women', FOX and the Pubs, (one and the same), wanna keep their gals 'barefoot and pregnant', and don't you dare allow them access to birth control and family planning. Same old crap from the 'religious right', in their efforts to deny women 'choices' when it comes to contraception and various areas of women's health, instead of the Pub answer to everything, which is 'Just Say No'. As always, there's a progressive, correct way to do something and the FOX/rightwingnut way. I get SO SICK of these people, who bitch about 'welfare', and all the money spent on child care, food stamps and housing for people don't want and can't afford more children, BUT, they fight birth control.
Read the facts and history of Planned Parenthood, here,
instead of the BS that Bullshit Mountain shovels to the sheep.


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