It's still almost 15 months until the election

and we're being bombarded by the Koch Bros, with their gazillions, as the Big Oil Boys try to buy the election. Am SO glad to live in Colorado, with our weather, scenery, and progressive views, BUT, we are a 'swing state', and the RightwingnutBros, have made us a target. OMG! And it has just begun!  Thankfully, we have NetFlix, so we don't have to listen to the gazillionaires who want 'Pubs in Charge' so they can continue to 'rape and pillage' the planet, without consequences, while getting their 'oil depletion allowances'. Who needs clean air and water? Obviously not the sheep, who back the Koch Bros, Citizens United(R) and the right of  'Big Money' to legally buy votes. Nothing new here....


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