
Showing posts from May, 2018

Of al the Pubs, John Boehner was kinda special

a guy who golfed, smoked, had a sense of humor and seemed pretty honest, for a Republican. Now, he mourns the death of the Repub party, remembering, like many of us do, when it used to be a legitimate political party. Before it was taken over by FOXNews, then the NYC shyster. The pathological LIAR, supported by FOXLies, and his henchmen who collaborated with the Russians to put him in the White House. Boehner laughs, while the rest of us just say WTF? It's not quite "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," but former  GOP House Speaker John Boehner said on  Thursday  President Donald Trump has taken over the Republican  Party. "There is no Republican party.  There's a Trump  party.  The Republican Party is kinda  taking a nap somewhere,"  he said at the Mackinac  Policy Conference in Michigan.

Looks like Meat Loaf and Gary Busey can do ANYTHING

and be pardoned, cuz they were on The Apprentice, like Rod Blagojevich, and Dotard's friend Martha Stewart, who is also up for a pardon, according to the Orange Clown. Actually, the Liar in Chief is just sending a message to ALL his guilty henchmen. Don't worry. I'll PARDON you, just LIE and protect me. Why else would the Liar in Chief pull 'Pardons' out of his ass, at this point? Who can't see this? Oh yeah, the sheep. Never mind....

Canada just joined in, against the F-ing Idiot's plan for tariff's, starting a Trade War

IT'S A TRADE WAR: Europe, Mexico, and Canada retaliate against Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs It didn't take long for the  European Union , Canada, and Mexico to hit back at the US after the Trump administration announced the three key allies would soon be  subject to steel and aluminum tariffs . The three allies lambasted the US decision, calling the move a violation of trade rules and a breakdown of international cooperation. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the steel and aluminum tariffs were "totally unacceptable", and a violation of treaties between the nations. All this for a few jobs in the rust belt, so they wouldn't have to re-train. Just when I think I couldn't hate the SOB any more....

Rush 'Fat Clown' Limbaugh, has a question, and Dotard has passed it on, via Tweet

Well Rush, you ignorant jerk, I s'pose it's for the same reason the FBI doesn't ALWAYS alert the criminals they are investigating. Hmmm, who da thunk that the Feds, when getting a tip that Joe Blow is gonna rob a bank, doesn't consult with Joe, while they try to find out what's going on, and ask. 'Hey, Mr Blow, you know anything about an upcoming bank robbery"? "If the FBI was so concerned, and if they weren't targeting Trump, they should have told Trump! If they're really concerned about the Russians infiltrating a campaign, then why not try to stop it? Why not tell Trump? Well, the answer's perfectly clear, to me. Yup, me too, Rush. Read Newsmax:  Trump Tweets Out Rush Limbaugh's Take on FBI Spying 

Lest we forget, with all the bullshit about tariffs, pardons and Roseann Tweets,

Dotard's boy John Bolton, one of the architects of the 'Oop's, No WMD's' war on Iraq, just said, 'We are committed to regime change in Iraq'. Think about it..... Just when you think the jerks(R) can't get any worse, they ALWAYS do......

And so it begins,

as the unqualified, Liar in Chief's policies take effect at midnight. It's called a trade war, and EVERY qualified economist agrees trade wars hurt EVERYONE. Thanks again, Dotard..... President Trump is imposing steep tariffs on steel and aluminum from three of America's biggest trading partners — Canada, Mexico and the European Union. The trade penalties, 25% on imported steel and 10% on imported aluminum, take effect at midnight, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told reporters Thursday. Mexico and the EU immediately announced plans to retaliate with their own tariffs against American products. Trump's decision will raise prices for Americans on a range of everyday products. It could also place the United States in a trade dispute on more than one front. The administration is separately moving ahead with tariffs on Chinese goods . "Today is a bad day for world trade," EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström said in a statement. "We did eve...

On a day when Dotard officially starts a trade war

with our friends, allies and trading partners in Canada, Mexica and the EU, with a 25% tariff on steel and 10% on aluminum, the clown is capturing headlines with proposed pardons for Martha Stewart, and others. This is after he made Memorial Day, and Roseann's tweet, all about HIM. And it's nothing new, as the Liar in Chief continues his real life Reality Show, while splitting Americans into the 2/3 that hate him and the 1/3 who will support ANYTHING with (R) after it, including a vain, profane, unqualified Pussy Grabber, whose qualified economic advisers have all left, leaving us with Stephen Miller, Wilbur Ross and John Bolton in charge of presidential ass-kissing. This morning Wilbur passed of the tariffs, which will only escalate , as a simple 'spat' like happens in any marriage. OMG! These are the people in charge of our country and our future. Thanks again, rightwingnuts.... BTW, the next time those countries have to sign a YUUUUGE, or small international d...

First of all, it's NOT a comedy,

although there are LOTS of funny moments. One of the best movies I've seen in a LONG time, and that's including real movies, not just an HBO or Amazon special. For those of us, 'of my generation', this one really hits home. with amazing performances by an all-star cast. Not sure who's best, cuz they are ALL (Carrell, Cranston, Fishburn) amazing. Very well done, believable story, with real characters, that you really care about. Won't give anything away, other than it's a story about Marines, who served in Viet Nam, reunited in a common quest. WAY good....

As much as I hate to agree with FOX on ANYTHING,

I'm thinking the same thing BS Mountain is saying. How can Starbucks continue to function as a business and refrain from becoming a chain of  "homeless drop-in centers." "Starbucks may find soon that its customers don’t want to be served coffee in a politically correct corporate homeless shelter," pondered Jeremy Carl in an Op-Ed  article  for Fox News. I just wonder how long it's gonna take for Starbucks to become a meeting place for all the homeless who want a bathroom, AC in the summer, heat in the winter and a place to just 'hang out'. I can't see this as anything but a YUUUGE mistake by a company who just wanted to do the right thing after tossing out two guys who were guilty of 'being black in public'. If I'm ever homeless, on the streets, Starbucks will definitely be my new HOME.

Becaaaauuuse, in Dotard's world,

Everything is always about HIM, the Liar in Chief wants an apology, after one of his MAGA henchmen made ANOTHER racist comment, about Muslims and apes, and got kicked off the air. In another tweet, Barr called billionaire Democratic donor and a Holocaust survivor George Soros “a Nazi” who “turned in his fellow Jews [to] be murdered in concentration camps [and] stole their wealth.” Discredited conspiracy theories portraying Soros — who is Jewish and was 9 years old when World War II began — as a Nazi collaborator have become right-wing internet staples. Trump weighs in on Roseanne: Where's my apology from ABC?  “Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call?” Or PROBABLY, all the horrible statements were TRUE!  Which didn't make them less HORRIBLE, just HORRIBLE for our country, with a Liar in Chief in charge. It’s unclear what statements Trump was referring...

The same clowns who gave us the Pussy Grabber for prez

are now reaching into their pockets for this huckster's FOURTH jet. And it all makes sense to them..... Jesse Duplantis, a televangelist with viewers across the globe, says God told him he needs a new jet.  Specifically, God told Duplantis he needs a Dassault Falcon 7X, a three-engine private jet capable of carrying 12 to 16 passengers at speeds up to 700 miles per hour. The Falcon 7X, which would be the fourth plane owned by Jesse Duplantis Ministries,  has a range of almost 6,000 miles and costs about $54 million.

Guess who the Patriots at FOX support?

One of them is a 'Boy Scout' Repub who is charged with investigating Russian interference in American elections, after reports from the FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, NSA, etc.  The other, Capt Bone Spurs, is known for multiple bankruptcies, cheating on all three wives, and being a Pathologoical Liar. Guess who Bullshit Mountain and their clueless, brainwashed henchmen are supporting?

More typical FOXBullshit

Where the morons go, to get their 'daily fix' and avoid 'real' news.

Part of my perusal of the news includes a descent

into the depths of depravity, where I check out some FOX 'News' headlines. Any you wonder why their readers are clueless? Today's 'Fair and Balanced' bullshit includes: Michael Goodwin: A President Clinton would have been much, much worse Steve Hilton: Are you ‘triggered’ by the joyless, puritanical, xenophobic authoritarians of the left? ABC doesn't hate Roseanne -- The network hates her viewers California Democrats take hypocrisy to new heights in stance on sanctuary laws and National Guard Trump hits ABC after cancellation of 'Roseanne,' asks why network doesn't apologize for anti-Trump comments Napolitano: Is the Investigation of Pres Trump Legitimate? Newt Gingrich: Why the Mueller probe is really five scandals, not one Yup, in FOXWorld, Russian interference isn't a crime, BUT, investigating it is. And you wonder why the gullible sheep 'don't have a clue', when they get their 'n...

After reading many comments about 'Roseann', the show and the person,

I'm glad to see I wan't alone. We watched the first 'new' show and had a few laughs, BUT, were uncomfortable with her character who openly supported a pig like Donald Trump. We never watched another episode, but heard and saw more of her racist and pro-Trump BS. Now, she's gone too far, though I'm sure it's FINE with Dotard's rightwingnut base, who has taken basic human decency and stomped it into the dirt. With all the fans of the Orange Clown/Roseann type of inbred racism I'm sure she'll land on her feet, probably at FOX or a comparable rightwingnut outlet. The good news? ABC called her out and fired her loud, racist ass. Good riddance. Actress Alyssa Milano took to Twitter to thank ABC. "Thank you, @ABCNetwork for doing the right thing and for showing people that bigotry and racism has consequences. Now, if you could only cancel our President for the same reason .  # RoseanneBarred"  Ambien Maker to Roseanne: Racism '...

Would have loved to have been there,

as the Yankee fans BOOED Rudy 'the clown' Giuliani, on his birthday. The people who know Dotard and Rudy best, 'hate them' cuz they've seen their crap, for decades. 15% of New Yorkers voted for the Liar in Chief and about the same number like Rudy, BUT, the GAU, gullible among us, think the Pussy Grabber a 'Christian', who's gonna fix our country. Can you say IDIOTS? "The New York Yankees wish a very happy birthday to Mayor Giuliani," an announcer said over the loudspeaker during the game. The birthday greeting was greeted by loud and sustained boos throughout the crowd.  Yeah. Cuz they KNOW the a-hole....

After Roseann's latest (after a LOT) racist crap, I asked myself....

What kind of people does that jerk(R) hang out with, to think it's OK to compare black people to 'Planet of the Apes' progeny, esp an Obama administration member. BUT, I know.... She's a Dotard fan, with her MAGA hat and all her lip service to the Liar in Chief. Actually, she's a perfect example of the morons who elected the vain, profane, arrogant, unqualified jerk who hi-jacked the Repub party, with the help of Bullshit Mountain. Believe it or not, the GOP used to be a respectable political party, before they went AGAINST the FBI, CIA, Justice Dept and ALL US intel, cuz of Dotard's Russian Connections. Never mind, if you don't care by now, you never will..... Private server? HANG HER! Elected with the help of the Russians? NO PROBLEM! ABC Knew Exactly What They Were Getting With Roseanne Barr The 65-year-old’s history of peddling conspiracy theories and sharing racist and Islamophobic views should’ve set off alarm bells much earlier. BUT, s...

Wow, who's surprised?

                            Da bitch, before and after surgery, calling someone else ugly. Roseann Barr, who used to be funny, BUT, proved she 'didn't have a clue' by supporting the Orange Clown, showed her true colors in an ugly, racist tweet that showed just WHY she's a Trumpie. Good for ABC, as they dumped her YUUUUGE, racist ass. BUT, again, who's shocked that a Dotard fan is a racist bitch.? ABC has pulled the plug on the revival “Roseanne.” The move comes after series star  Roseanne Barr  made a comment on Twitter  Tuesday morning  referring to former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett as  the offspring of the “Muslim Brotherhood & 'Planet of the Apes.” Jarrett, an African-American,  was born in Iran to American parents. I'm sure Rosie can get a job at Bullshit Mountain though, cuz they LOVE her type...... This is Valerie Jarrett, with NO surgery, who ha...

Hey Pub Warmongers, here's one for you...

Oh yeah, I forgot. Viet Nam and Iraq/Afg were YUUUGE victories, and Iran's 'lookin' good' IF, you're a 'defense' contractor, or Big Oil. Screw you, jerks(R), and the sheep you rode in on , as you keep our VA hospitals FULL, while making millionaires out of those who provide 'bombs and bullets' for your BULLSHIT wars.....

After 'losing track' of nearly 1500 chikdren,

who were separated from their parents at the border, the Trump admin claimed, 'we're not responsible'(no shit), for keeping track of them'. Oh really? A CNN contributor jokingly asked if they might be running a 'human trafficking ring' and FOX, as well as Melania's Twitter feed, went ballistic, for ' irresponsible false claims'. The YUUUUGE difference with THIS story vs the Pub's claims? It was a joke, BUT, when the rightwingnuts went after Hillary for her Pizzagate 'sex slaves', repeated over and over, the morons believed it and showed up with automatic weapons to 'free the children'.

The Orange Clown can (sorta) read a speech...

It's slow, choppy and difficult to watch, and you can tell when he wings it and goes off on his own, where everything is wonderful, NICE, beautiful and the BIGGEST. It hurts so much to listen to the Clown after the intelligent, articulate president we used to have. But then I realize who he's talking to. The people who elected him. The anti-science, anti-education crowd that looks upon higher education as a liberal plot, and I understand how a fourth grade vocabulary can resonate with a YUUUGE part of the electorate. Sickening to see our country devolve to that point, but that's where we're at. Any news that's disagreeable is FAKE, and LYING on a daily basis is acceptable, while still going after Hillary is good sport. The FBI just 'doing it's job', investigating dozens of Russian contacts, is now 'Spygate', the BIGGEST scandal since Watergate, and the prez's lawyers REFUSE to let him testify cuz it's a 'perjury trap'. Why?...

What, a Repub that feels shame?

Ryan Costello, Repub Congressman from Pennsylvania isn't running for re-election. Costello announced he would not run for reelection in March, citing the divided political environment and the President’s actions, saying quote, "No matter what I say or do, I feel all I do is answer questions about Donald Trump rather than health insurance or tax policy." 

On Memeorial Day, most president's would laud our veterans,

but not the vain, arrogant A-hole that currently occupies the White House. Again, he made it about HIMSELF, as the Liar in Chief ignored his MANY problems and nearly broke his arm, patting himself on the back, as if it was HIM, not the great economy he inherited, finishing it up with 'NICE!'. President Trump on Monday tweeted a Memorial Day message. “Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER  (women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!” Trump  wrote  on Twitter.

Just to keep it real on Memorial Day

Captain Bone Spurs was denied access to a true hero's funeral, after Dotard made fun of John McCain, saying he preferred heroes who WEREN'T captured, and John said, 'Keep him AWAY, when I die'. Can you imagine if a Dem said crap like that against McCain? BUT, the Pussy Grabber could shoot someone in Times Square, with NO PROBLEM, according to him, and he's right. Notice a theme here? Didn't think so....

Was just thinking WHY do the GAU think like they do?

Let's PRETEND there are the 'gullibel among us' OUT THERE, who live in small, backwater bergs, that have been Republican FOREVER, with the local TV and radio and newspaper owned by rightwingnut Repubs. Believe me, it happens, ALL OVER, esp in the Bible Belt and Farm Belt. Their ONLY news is what the Pubs WANT them to hear and think.. VERY common, where it's a 'witch hunt' after 19 indictments, multiple plea deals and five guilty convictions. Yup, witch hunt, when ALL the US intel agencies AGREE the Russians influenced the elections. And by doing their jobs, the FBI is part of Spygate. Really? AND, when these GAU want national 'news' they look to FOX, with Sean, FOX and Friends, then Rush, to tamp down the swill. AND, their neighbors are all like them, with a funnel directly channeling FOXCrap into their heads... And you wonder WHY they are clueless Why WOULDN'T they be, after nothing but Repub propaganda all day, every day, believing 90%...

GAU = the Gullible Among Us

and we are talking about the same FOX-PARP sheep, who swallow FOXCrap, while avoiding 90+ % of 'real' news, and think the 'news' network 'bought and paid for' by Roger Ailes, (Chief Repub Political Strategist) = 'real news'. Who da thunk these morons would have a hard time with reality, and vote 'Straight Repub', as the Pussy Grabber took over a third of our country? BTW, part of my plan is to establish GAU being 'Googleable', as I do my part to expose the FOXSHeep. Wait a few days and Google GAU. It will come up as Gullible Among US, the PERFECT name for the clueless sheep, who swallow Dotard's LIES.

File it under 'DUH"

as Dotard used the Spygate bullshit, AND the entire North Korea crap as a 'diversion' as all his Russia-collusion henchmen are indicted and go after plea deals, to avoid spending the next decade in federal prison. Duh, you REALLY think SpyGate is a legitimate defense against the Liar in Chiefs Russian connections? If so, you are part of the GAU, or 'gullible among us(R)', who votes for the Pussy Grabber and totally ignores the entire Russian 'problem'. What a joke.... Senator Flake(R) says Trump's 'spygate' is a 'diversion tactic'

Please explain to me,

why it's a 'perjury trap' for Dotard to be questioned by Mueller, IF, the Liar in Chief  is innocent? Giuliani, the loudmouth lawyer claims it's all a witch hunt, (after 19 indictments and five convictions), and REFUSES to let his guilty client testify. Why? Cuz he's obviously GUILTY if he tells the truth and GUILTY if/when he lies. Sounds like a good reason to keep him from testifying, IF you're a guilty Repub, who doesn't want the TRUTH to come out, under oath. And the GAU, (gullible among us) swallow the whole act from FOX-PARP (Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party), going AGAINST the FBI, Justice Dept, CIA and all US intel that has PROVEN Russia helped to elect the NYC pussy grabbing sleaze ball. Remember, LONG ago, when the Pubs were a respectable American political party? Neither do I.....

On this Memorial Day weekend, I can't help but think

about the brave soldiers of the Greatest Generation, who fought around the world to make democracy safe for all us. And I think of the JERKS who sent US soldiers to Viet Nam and Iraq, to kill and maim, and BE killed and maimed. For What? To make the bomb and bullet mfgrs rich? To hike the price of oil? To fill our VA hospitals? To fill planes with body bags and wreck countless lives on the home front, during and after the pointless BS wars against brown people on the other side of the world? Trillions spent, thousands of lives lost, so some 'chicken-hawks' in Washington could feel macho, and make the 'Defense' contractors obscenely wealthy? From the fall of Saigon, after years of pointless war, to the Repub bullshit of 'Oops No WMD's'  we have to learn the lessons of  Nixon/MacNamara, Bush/Cheney and now Trump/Bolton, as the draft dodgers, incl Bush and Capt Bone Spurs, spill our soldier's blood, in some kind of stupid War Games, with REAL co...

In my ongoing quest to understand the GAU.

the Gullible Among Us(R), I see that nearly half of them believe an outrageous lie, and another third aren't sure. That LIE, spread by the Liar in Chief, that 3-5 MILLION illegal votes were cast against him, with absolutely ZERO evidence. They can't find hundreds of votes, let alone thousands or MILLIONS, but that doesn't stop the clueless, gullible sheep from swallowing the constant LIES from FOX and Dotard. And this is but one of a YUUUUUGE number. Yup, just like we'll always have the poor and the sick among us, a bigger problem is the GAU, because of them we got the arrogant, PROFANE, unqualified pathological LIAR as prez, and the GAU have No Problem with it. See the problem? I didn't think so, GAU.... Nearly half of Republicans believe millions of people voted illegally in the last presidential election ― a claim that President  Donald Trump  has repeatedly made, even though neither he nor anyone else has produced concrete evidence to show it’s true. F...

Sounding more like a 'declaration of war' than a policy statement,

Dotard's hawkish Sec of State laid down demands for Iraq. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's  speech  this week on next steps in US policy toward Iran read more like a call to war than a carefully crafted foreign policy stance. Pompeo's threat to bring Iran to its knees with punishing economic sanctions clearly won't get the job done, especially since the Trump administration has just alienated its most important potential partners by withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal. Good luck getting France, or the United Kingdom, or Germany, much less Russia or China. So that leaves military action. A bombing campaign could kill thousands of Iranians, but it would be extremely unlikely to undercut Tehran's ability to restart its nuclear weapons program, and might even accelerate that effort. Last but not least, as one analyst of the region  has noted , a full-scale war against Iran would make the Iraq and Afghan conflicts look like "a walk in the park." SOOOO...

In the latest OMG! headline.....

I gotta ask. WHO'S the BULLY? Trump Being Bullied by Media, Mueller and the Deep State Radio host Dr. Michael Savage took to the airwaves Tuesday with a message... Just when you think the nutballs can't get any crazier...... DOCTOR? Of what?  A doctorate in bullshit?

Wow, a rightwingnut, FOXSheep in a nutshell...


If it was any other president, and his family,

it would be YUUUUGE news, as ANOTHER inner-circle member is shown to have met with the Russians in the days leading up to, during and shortly after the election. BUT, it's Dotard and his family/henchmen, and NOW, after MANY meetings, emails, denials and LIES, it's become kinda Ho Hum... Yup, Donald Trump Jr met with the Russians AGAIN, right before the election, where it has been shown, without a DOUBT, that the Russians helped him to be elected, according to ALL US intel agencies. Ho Hum.... Yup, we know all kinds of Trumpies met with all kinds of Russians, and the rightwingnuts reaction continues to be. 'So What! What'cha gonna DO about it?" Same old shit from the clowns who would be storming the White House, smug in their patriotism, with NRA supplied weaponry, if it were a Dem who was elected with Russian support. Tel me I'm wrong..... 'Trump's son should be concerned': Wiretaps show Trump Jr. met with Putin ally The FBI has obtained s...

Bullshit Mountain, or FOX 'News', is just PARP,

                      (and this is after the 'Fair and Balanced logo was laughed off the air) the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, and how they can separate some of their 'news' into the 'Opinion' section, while MOST of their swill is nothing BUT 'Opinion', shoveled to the sheep as 'news', is beyond me. BUT, every once in a while (actually a LOT of the time) they publish something SO ridiculous I can't ignore it, as in today's 'Newsflash'.. FOX NEWS INSIDER Fitton: 'Anti-Trump' Russia probe designed to distract from Hillary's crimes and FBI-DOJ 'cover-up' OMG, this is after at LEAST five of Dotard's henchmen have ADMITTED meeting with the commies and ALL the US intel agencies agree that Putin/Russia conspired to elect the Liar in Chief, AND the Clown refuses to impose the Congress-voted sanctions on the afore-mentioned country. The FOX/Pub (one and the same) response: Prosecute Hillary! T...

Just to 'keep it real, and truthful'

amidst the rightwingnut's screams about 'disrespect to the military and our country' when football players 'take a knee.' It's called 'kneeling' for a reason, and has been around, esp in church, forever. It's a sign of respect for power/authority and is an exhortation, or request for an outcome, from an individual that feels a need to ask for some kind of supplication. There is kneeling before royals and in all kinds of church ceremonies, BUT, when used by black athletes to call attention to the REAL crime of police assaults on minorities, the whack jobs claim it's an assault on patriotism and the sheep fall in line behind the obfuscation. Same old crap, as Bullshit Mountain, Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, FLIPS the meaning of an action to fire up the sheep. And why not, it works, cuz the 'gullible among us' have been tricked into totally missing the meaning of a kneel, while claiming those kneelers hate the flag and our veter...

Dotard's 'Tax Cut' which is MAINLY for corporations and the RICH,

is now being eaten up by higher gas and energy costs, as his 'sanctions' against Iraq take effect, after he trashed a deal that took YEARS and the work of MANY nations to create. The sanctions voted on nearly unanimously by Congress, against Russia, have been IGNORED. Hmmm, who do thunk? Yup, the UNQUALIFIED Clown decided to punish all Americans who drive cars, travel in planes or use oil in any form to PAY for his arrogance and lack of economic sense. He DID have some intelligent, knowledgeable people in among his henchmen, but they quit or were fired along the way. Now, the disruption of world oil markets, to punish the leaders of Iraq, has us all paying an extra $10 or so each time we fill up. Thanks a bunch, jerk(R). In other actions, his National Guard deployments on the border have been described a 'a colossal waste', sorta like his 'third world dictator style military parade', but it keeps the sheep mollified, although under Republican rules, gas ...

There was a time, after Viet Nam, and then again,

after Bush/Cheney(R) attacked Iraq, (Ooops, no WMD's) that the US was rightfully hated by a large part of the world. It took many years to for world opinion to gradually change. Now, after the Liar in Chief's actions on adding tariffs, withdrawing from TPP and NAFTA, withdrawing from the Paris Accord. trashing the Iraq Deal and threatening nuclear war, he rightfully assessed the current situation today, saying 'America is BACK'. Yeah right Dotard, just where we didn't want to be. Leading the world's Shit List. Thanks SO MUCH, you arrogant, unqualified, LYING Orange Clown.

Maybe declare 'Bankruptcy' when things don't work out?

President Trump’s cancellation of a planned summit with North Korea follows foreign-policy snafus this week with China and Iran,  notes  The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser. The common thread? Trump’s failure to understand that negotiations almost always produce imperfect deals. Who da thunk N Korea would back away from a deal that BEGINS with them destroying all their nukes. As far as Iran, they are back to bomb building after Dotard trashed the agreement and China  has basically said. "kiss our ass', as per cutting $200 Bil from the trade deficit. Who da thunk the LYING, arrogant, Art of the Deal guy, who says, 'Lie three times, then they'll believe you', could screw up our country's foreign affairs... Dotard's legacy should be known as 'The Art of No Deal'...

Wow, who da thunk....

I have just been informed that I'vecrossed over some kind of 'threshold' as to a certain number of readers in the European Union, and I'm now subject to EU rules that I have to agree to. SOOO, I'm agreeing to those rules, and will not plant 'cookies' or any other kind of tracking devices on my blog. There, It's written and I agree, not that I ever  have, or would do such a thing. I hope this satisfies the requirements. We'll see, I guess. You can't make this stuff up. AND, I promise to keep telling the truth about the Liar in Chief and FOX-PARP,  purveyor of LIES and the Propaganda Arm of the Republican Party, who has enabled this scourge upon the earth, with the help of the 'gullible among us'. Good enough? BTW, this is for real.....

An open message to the rightwingnuts

WTF don't you understand about the FBI, and other US intel, investigating a campaign who openly met/communicated/colluded with the Russians? You need names, dates, etc? DUH..... You think it MIGHT be illegal? Look it up, it's easy, (under Russia & Papadopolus, Stone, Manafort, Flynn, DJTJr, Cohen, etc)  OR, you could just wait for the indictments, for the gullible among us, who just don't get it...

As Dotard and his policies go 'off the track'

I like to wear my custom made t-shirt, that reads I KNOW WORDS I HAVE THE BEST WORDS I'M LIKE REALLY SMART A STABLE GENIUS It's great watching people's faces as they read it. The smart ones are fast readers and give a me smile right away. The MAGA people slowly stumble through the words, gradually figure it out and kinda scowl. Those are my favorites, but fortunately there aren't many here in the high rent district of the US. They tend to cluster in the Bible Belt, in their single wides...

Mueller has a fairly long row of dominoes set up

and it looks like he's about to start them toppling over, with Papadopolus being the first. I'm betting Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Cohen and others are watching pretty closely, as we see what the sentence is, or COULD BE, if their's no cooperation. Mueller moves to sentence Papadopoulos, signaling key step Meanwhile, the Liar in Chief and his henchmen at Bullshit Mountain are intensifying their 'War on the Truth', by claiming the FBI had right to investigate the Trump/Russia connections.... And the sheep swallow this crap? Can you imagine if Hillary had won and had all those Russian connections? WOW....

Can you say Hypocrite?

The Other 98%

The Liar in Chief is Tweeting up a storm

about the 'corrupt' FBI and Obama administration. Is that the same FBI that dropped the Hillary bomb 11 days before the election, and the same FBI and admin that 'sat on' all the Trump/Russian contacts (at least five that we know of), leading up to the election? Hmmm. What kind of dumbshit swallows this crap? Oh yeah, the sheep. Never mind.....

Isn't that right where the sink-hole started?


IF the Orange Clown was innocent,

which he obviously isn't, he'd WELCOME the FBI investigation, and 'spy', (investigator) in his campaign, to clear up 'false accusations'. But he's FIGHTING all the findings. That tell you anything? Or is your head so deeply and firmly implanted you don't wanna know? Did the F.B.I. Save Trump’s Presidency? By BRET STEPHENS James Clapper is right. Trump should have welcomed the surveillance.

I totally agree... with the NFL Player's Assn

As often happens, the initial intent of something, like investigating Trump's Russia connections, is LOST when the reaction to the issue gets more publicity than the issue itself Like the NFL players kneeling to protest police violence that often goes unpunished. A perfect example was the Milwaukee Bucks B-ball player who was beaten and tased for a parking violation, BUT, cuz he's well known, the cops are being investigated. That's the action the NFL kneelers are protesting. It's NOT against the flag, our veterans or our country. It's against police violence against minorities going unpunished, and the beginning of a football game is the only large scale venue they have. What you think, fourth and one's a better time? This isn't over and will be interesting to see where it goes, as the owners bow to the Liar in Chief and the players, who we all PAY to watch, aren't gonna take it. I hope. “ The NFL Can Punish Kneeling Players Because It’s a Private...

I'm just wondering

Who can look at the Trump campaign/Russia connections and say. 'The FBI, CIA, etc should IGNORE all the Russian connections'. How far up your ass does your head have to be? ALL the US Intel agencies says the Russians were working to elect Trump, AND, MANY of his people met/emailed/called Russian agents. WTF is wrong with you people? What if Hillary had won and you had this info? Really? WTF is WRONG with you people? Other than 'Head-up-the ass-syndrome'? A common Repub malady.....

As the Liar in Chief

claims the FBI, CIA, Justice Dept and all US Intel is WRONG, while he alone is right, we gotta remember that ALL the Trump campaign members (Papadopolous, Flynn, Stone, DJTJr, Manafort, etc) who were 'spied on' had Russian meetings/connections, and LIED about it, until they were confronted with evidence. The Pub plan? Call it all fake news and DENY that it happened. And the FOXSheep? They swallow the spin/LIES. Nothing new here as the sheep(R) choose the Liar in Chief over US Intel and the 'rule of law'. ONLY a matter of time, as the weasels choose 'flipping' over prison sentences. I can hardly wait....

In the latest saga of Dotard's 'Pay to Play' White House

we learned that the Ukranian meeting with the Liar in Chief was set up by Michael Cohen, the Orange Clown's ;Fixer', who rec'd at least $400K for the meeting. What did the commie get for his money? Who knows, in the 'cash only' swamp on Pennsylvania Ave, as we find out how they 'do business'. Can you imagine if the rightwingnuts found out Obama did that? OMG! An attack on the White House, with NRA supplied RPG's and bazookas, as Sean and Rush rile the sheep and accuse the prez of treson. But hey, when a Pub does it, THAT'S DIFFERENT!

Thanks Dave, for putting into words,

what we all say when we travel, if we want to be accepted in foreign countries. Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl didn’t hold back when asked about President Donald Trump  in a recent interview. “ I am ashamed of our president ,” he told British GQ. “I feel apologetic for it when I travel.” “Listen, who cares what I think about guns or religion, but the thing about Trump that stings the most is this: he just seems like a massive jerk. Right?”

Wow, this can be only be Good News

for justice and truth, as Dotard's lawyer is getting squeezed. Seems people don't like the idea of prison, incl Cohen's 'business partner'. Who da thunk? He sure LOOKS innocent though..... COHEN PARTNER SINGS Michael Cohen’s Business Partner Is Reportedly Cooperating With Prosecutors Giuliani’s New Stance On Russian Collusion: So What? It’s Not Illegal. By Reuters Staff, Reuters