Of al the Pubs, John Boehner was kinda special

a guy who golfed, smoked, had a sense of humor and seemed pretty honest, for a Republican.
Now, he mourns the death of the Repub party, remembering, like many of us do, when it used to be a legitimate political party. Before it was taken over by FOXNews, then the NYC shyster.
The pathological LIAR, supported by FOXLies, and his henchmen who collaborated with the Russians to put him in the White House.
Boehner laughs, while the rest of us just say WTF?
It's not quite "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," but
former GOP House Speaker John Boehner said on 
Thursday President Donald Trump has taken over the
Republican Party."There is no Republican party. 
There's a Trump party. The Republican Party is kinda 
taking a nap somewhere," he said at the Mackinac 
Policy Conference in Michigan.


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