If it was any other president, and his family,

it would be YUUUUGE news, as ANOTHER inner-circle member is shown to have met with the Russians in the days leading up to, during and shortly after the election.
BUT, it's Dotard and his family/henchmen, and NOW, after MANY meetings, emails, denials and LIES, it's become kinda Ho Hum...
Yup, Donald Trump Jr met with the Russians AGAIN, right before the election, where it has been shown, without a DOUBT, that the Russians helped him to be elected, according to ALL US intel agencies. Ho Hum....
Yup, we know all kinds of Trumpies met with all kinds of Russians, and the rightwingnuts reaction continues to be. 'So What! What'cha gonna DO about it?"
Same old shit from the clowns who would be storming the White House, smug in their patriotism, with NRA supplied weaponry, if it were a Dem who was elected with Russian support.
Tel me I'm wrong.....

'Trump's son should be concerned': Wiretaps show Trump Jr. met with Putin ally

The FBI has obtained secret wiretaps collected by Spanish police of conversations involving Alexander Torshin, that led to a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. during the NRA's annual convention in Louisville in May, 2016, a top Spanish prosecutor said Friday.


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