One more time, rightwingnuts,

the FBI agent in Dotard's campaign wasn't s SPY.
He was an American law enforcement agent doing his job, investigating the OBVIOUS connections from the Orange Clown to the Russians.
BUT, FOXCrap is 'spinning' the story to act like it was the 'Deep State', picking on 'their boy' and the ignorant sheep are swallowing the crap, as they ALWAYS do.
Nothing new here, as FOX and Propaganda machine take criminal activity from the Liar and Chief and FLIP the story to make the Russian backed A-hole seem like the Victim, and the gullible minions swallow the bullshit, like they ALWAYS do....
According to them, The Pussy Grabber is the GOOD guy, and the FBI and US intel are the BAD guys.
Roger Ailes should be SO proud, as the 'ignorant among us' refuse to remove their heads from deep in their asses and side with Russia/Trump vs the US.
You ever wonder WHY the Russkie/Commies wanted Dotard as prez?
Donald Trump, not the sharpest tool in the shed, BUT, definitely a 'tool'.


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