Was just thinking WHY do the GAU think like they do?

Let's PRETEND there are the 'gullibel among us' OUT THERE, who live in small, backwater bergs, that have been Republican FOREVER, with the local TV and radio and newspaper owned by rightwingnut Repubs.
Believe me, it happens, ALL OVER, esp in the Bible Belt and Farm Belt.
Their ONLY news is what the Pubs WANT them to hear and think..

VERY common, where it's a 'witch hunt' after 19 indictments, multiple plea deals and five guilty convictions.
Yup, witch hunt, when ALL the US intel agencies AGREE the Russians influenced the elections.
And by doing their jobs, the FBI is part of Spygate. Really?

AND, when these GAU want national 'news' they look to FOX, with Sean, FOX and Friends, then Rush, to tamp down the swill.
AND, their neighbors are all like them, with a funnel directly channeling FOXCrap into their heads...
And you wonder WHY they are clueless

Why WOULDN'T they be, after nothing but Repub propaganda all day, every day, believing 90% of the news is 'fake'?
Thanks again, Roger Ailes.......
And you wonder how we got the Liar in Chief in the White House?


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