Thanks to the suggestion of a friend,

I've been reading a lot about 'personality types', and at the risk of oversimplifying a complex issue I've decided there are basically TWO personality types, and everyone is just varying degrees of two traits
There are 'born followers' and the world needs them, esp the church, corporations, the military and the Repub party.
Of course there are many exceptions to such 'lumped together' groups, but it is hard (impossible) to argue that there are shared tendencies within each group.
Someone raised in the church, joining the military, and advancing through a corporation, swallowing all the 'Rules', without questioning the reality of or necessity of those rules, will vote Repub and swallow the line, 'Oops, No WMD's', 'We got bad info' while thinking people see it as a blatant, knowing rush to war, to benefit the politicians, 'Defense Contractors' and Big Oil.
On the other hand we have critical thinkers, for whom, 'but we've ALWAYS done it that way', ;just believe (what your brain rejects) on Faith' isn't enough, and would get kicked out of the military or a corporation for telling their 'superior' to 'stick it up your a**' and is confident enough in their own abilities to realize they can make it on their own, not swallowing the 'party line', when 'the party' is full of shit.
Of course there are LOTS of exceptions, but this is a basic breakdown of human behavior that's been around forever. Confidence vs fear, individuality vs an urge to 'fit in'. Critical thinking vs 'tow the line'. Live your life vs hoping for the next one. Use you own brain rather than trusting in herd mentality or the cult leader's preaching.
We need both types, cuz there are times we NEED a military, (just not the Viet Nam, Iraq type) and some/many corporations are good, but there are many greedy money grubbers out there too.
And the churches....
Of course many do good and they give the sheep a clear mind to so sleep at night, knowing that if they can't/don't make it in this world, they always have 'Heaven' waiting for them, as long as they don't 'question' dogma and always vote Republican. AND, there have been more deaths and wars from 'My God is better than your God, and if you don't believe it I'll KILL you', than anything even close.
AND, they all SURE that they are 'the one and only' true believers,knowing the mind of God, and everyone else is WRONG. It's all part of the 'Follower' mentality that afflicts that part of the populace.
They believe our Founding Fathers were hard core Christians, Jesus wrote the Constitution and put 'In God We Trust' on American currency. HA! Check out Thomas Jefferson's Bible....
Again, nothing against spirituality and I don't pretend to know the secrets of life (unlike some), BUT, I can tell the difference between a literal and figurative Bible. Facts and history vs myths, tall tales and superstition.
Could go on forever, but I think you get my drift.
If there was ever an'expert', who really understood and USED the reality of this obvious phenomena, it was Karl Rove, who saw what was real and used the mentality of the sheep to herd them together, feed them crap (FOX) and keep them in the fold(R).
There was a time I thought they were harmless and what 'they' believed was their own business. Then I saw them herded together, filled with crap from Bullshit Mountain and led to the polls to vote for the Liar in Chief.
IF you don't believe it, just look at the Orange Clown, supported by FOX and the Evangelicals, the product of herd mentality and mind control, who is a 'born again Christian', although any examination of the Pussy Grabber's words and actions prove just the opposite, BUT, he gives them POWER, so anything/everything is excusable.
Is it their fault or were they just 'born that way'?
I'd say BOTH!
I wouldn't care if they wren't screwing up my planet and my country, in the name of 'what would Jesus do'?
Donald Trump, of course.


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