You ever wonder WHY

the Romans allowed/supported Christianity to become the official religion of the realm, when there were SO MANY around at the time?
Render unto Caesar, turn the other cheek, obey your master, beat your swords into plowshares, the 'meek' shall inherit the earth, your reward will be in the NEXT life etc.
Hmmm, if I was a Roman emperor, I'd have supported that religion too, esp if I could appoint the heads (Popes) who got 10%, off the top.
Yup, Rome supported the Popes and the Catholic Church which was/IS the biggest, most successful 'Business' in the world, esp after several 'Inquisitions', where you converted or were tortured to death, and lost ALL your wealth and property.
Check out the Vatican and it's holdings today and through history....
Then you had the church supported concepts of heaven and hell, in a superstitious, unscientific world, where kings colluded with popes and split up the riches of anyone who stood up to them.
Wow, I'm shocked the govt supported church, who promised eternity in heaven, not in the Lake of Fire, 'made it'.

Just sayin'..... of ALL the religions in Europe at the time, one had to be THE winner/surviver and the one 'borrowed' from the Jews, (although they, the originators, claim it's a 'false religion), with the support/enforcement of the most powerful/ruthless, army in the western world, managed to survive/thrive.
Who da thunk?
Again, not claiming to KNOW anything, just looking at history, where one religion had govt support, which helped a LOT, and some (who are gone now) didn't. Normally, I wouldn't care about people's private religious beliefs, BUT, the danger is more obvious than EVER today, as the pious HYPOCRITES elected the Pussy Grabber to represent them. 'Nuff said....


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