An innocent person would be GLAD

to testify, get the facts in the open and put to rest any false claims against himself.
And then we have the LYING, guilty SOB in the White House who describes testifying as a 'set-up and a trap'.
Oh really? For an innocent man?
This is the same LYING jerk(R) who said earlier that he'd be GLAD to testify, thinking he could just LIE and bullshit his way out of it, with no consequences as he has done his entire life, esp as his time a 'President'. His lawyers have made it clear, in so many words, that the sleazy SOB is screwed if he tells the truth and screwed if/when he LIES, as everyone knows he will.
Cuz that's what he ALWAYS does.
So, we're gonna have some kind of legal/constitutional fight as the Justice Dept tries to get to the TRUTH of the matter while the Liar in Chief and his henchmen do all they can to keep the Pathological Liar from LYING under oath, while FOXCrap, lead by Sleazy Sean, who has skin in the game, leads the assault against the same govt agencies, FBI, CIA, Justice Dept that the Pubs formerly supported.
Tell me rightwingnuts. Do you want your LYING prez on the stand, under oath, admitting all he knows about Russian involvement in the election?
He'd be in jail for perjury within the week, IF there was true justice, OR, he'd be forced to admit his true relationships with Putin and Russia.
I'd take either one, cuz the TRUTH is better than the crap we get from the Orange Clown and Bullshit Mountain, Propaganda Arm of the Repub party.


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