As we learn the Liar in Chief is hiring even MORE lawyers

I was wondering pays for this YUUUUGE number of bloodusckers on his legal team.
And this doesn't even count the YUUUUGE number of lawyers (paid by us) to defend his private businesses, (illegal emoluments) as the Sleazeball in Chief tries to avoid 'Justice and Jail',
as the Orange Clown keeps his fingers in his companies, WON'T release taxes and fights off lawsuits from bimbos and others he screwed, literally and figuratively.
The poor suckers of Trump University already won their lawsuit, tens of millions, against the slimeball who lured them into his 'school'.

Taxpayers are footing the legal bill for at least 10 Justice Department lawyers (ave salary over $150K) and paralegals to work on lawsuits related to President Trump's private businesses.


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