Did Rudy 'Blowhard' Giuliani accidentally(?) reveal that Dotard's a proven LIAR, (AGAIN)

OR is that the new strategy of the minions forced to defend the Liar in Chief? Was it an 'accidental' telling of the truth, or did Rudy just get rolling, in the friendly confines of FOXBullshit and have a senior moment?
I'm not sure how I'd bet, but one thing's for sure. Dotard's a lying sack o' shit that keeps his entire staff, legal army and otherwise, scrambling to cover his multitude LIES, that hardly register any more, cuz he lies SO MUCH about anything and everything.
We do know, Stormy says he screwed her and paid her off, Cohen said he paid her by mortgaging his house and didn't even tell the Orange Clown. The Liar in Chief claims he did NOTHING and knows nothing about it, while Rudy claims Trump paid Cohen back out of his own money, 'in small increments' (to bypass banking rules?)
Same old shit from the professional liars(R) that have hijacked our country, with the help of the clueless, gullible Evangelical sheep who have launched HYPOCRISY to a new level, in their defense of the LYING Pussy Grabber.


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