Dotard had an excellent chance to keep a campaign promise

and reward his minions by helping to reduce drug prices, which are the HIGHEST in the world, by far.
But did he?
Of course not.
He(R) is owned by the lobbyists of Big Pharma, and those hundreds of millions in campaign contributions make a YUUUGE difference to politicians.
The biggest buyer of drugs, BY FAR, is the US govt, and the simplest, easiest and most logical place to start cutting drug costs would be to 'negotiate' huge quantities of drugs with manufacturers, lowering the prices for everyone (except Big Pharma).
Dotard had/has the power, but did he?
Of course not.
His plan, according to those who wanted WAY more, is a 'sugar coated nothing pill', that does nothing to help those at the end of the 'drug chain'.
Read his plan and see if it saves you a nickel.
Yup, the Clown 'kept his promise' to leave the Iran deal, ignoring most of his advisers and the rest of the world, but his promise to deal with sky high drug prices?
'Fuhgid aboud it.'
Just one more LIE, on his YUUUUGE pile of LIES.


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