Good '60 Minutes' tonight

as we see the YUUUUUUGE price markups in pharmaceuticals, that the A-holes in Congress made 'non-negotiable', (RU kidding?) as several essential drugs have price increases of 5000 %, once a drup company buys out all the competition. And the govt PAYS it.
No Shit!
These are the jerks (mostly Repub), who get kickbacks, as medical costs wreck the budget of our country.
Same old shit, but SICKENING, as the drug companies, and their lobbyists, drain $BILLIONS from our economy, into a few pockets, as the crooks(R) RULE, and we pay.
Nothing new, but check out '60 Minutes', and their Pub connections, that are bankrupting the country, as Big Pharma makes BILLIONS, in total rip offs.


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