Good article on 24/7 Wall Street today

about the companies with the WORST reputation, and leading the list is no surprise. Yup, Haliburton, the war profiteer led by The Dick Cheney(R), who has gotten over $39 BILLION in highly inflated, mostly NO BID contracts from the govt after two Big Oil guys, GW and The Dick, LIED us into the Oops No WMD's war in Iraq that has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, BUT, it made billionaires out of the execs at Haliburton.
Who da thunk attacking the oil basket of the world would send oil from $14 to over $140/barrel?
Cheney(R) and Bush(R), that's who, and the gullible sheep(R) swallowed the lies and beat the drums for WAR!
Now, many years later, those with a brain (not many, but a few) realize it was all a scam to enrich the Pub base that profited YUUUUGELY from the lives of American soldiers, FILLING the VA hospitals for generations.
BUT, that's the Pub way and they show no signs of changing with Bolton and Pompeo leading the chickenhawks, while Dotard guts the diplomatic corps and pumps $$$ to the most bloated military the world has ever known.
Some things never change.....

One likely reason for Halliburton’s poor reputation is that many consider it a war profiteer — especially since the Iraq War started in 2003. Halliburton has been awarded with some $39.5 billion in federal contracts as a result of the conflict. Further, many believe the company benefited from favoritism in Washington, especially as its former CEO, Dick Cheney, served as vice president. The company also had a role, along with BP, in the Deepwater Horizon explosion, which left 11 people dead and caused one of the worst oil spills in history.


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