I actually feel sorry for Sarah Hunkameat, BUT, when you sign up

to be a professional LIAR, for the Liar in Chief, it's hard to be too concerned.
Yup, she has to stand in front of the press, called 'Fake News' by the jerks that hate to hear the truth, and LIE to the reporters on a regular basis. There are new reports of her 'screaming and cursing' when she was thrown to the wolves with 'alternative facts' as sewer rat Barbie would say.
Bottom line, they're(R) ALL liars and it doesn't even register on the 'outrage meter' any more cuz everyone has gotten used to it.
AS IF, the Liar in Chief didn't know his Fixer had paid off another bimbo.
Does ANYONE believe his crap?
Even the gullible sheep?
I know they're clueless, BUT....


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