If you missed the Cold Open for last night's SNL, too bad,

cuz it was 'Classic', as the crew roasted the Liar in Chief and the cast of clowns that surround him. Great performances by the regulars, PLUS some memorable guest appearances to make it extra special. Note the final 'guest'.
Check out the U-Tube video, here:


As always, what kind of gullible, uninformed idiot can look at the Pussy Grabber and say,
'Yup, that's my guy'?
Cheeck out Saturday Night Live, from NYC, where they got to know Dotard 'real well', and he got less than 15% of the vote, cuz they know he's nothing but a LYING con man.
BUT, he got 'religion' (what a joke), and fooled the rubes into voting for him, cuz he's 'one of them', and is in it for the little guy.
Excuse me while I puke.....


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