SOOO, the senile Repub from Utah(R),

thinks his politics should override the wishes of a true American hero, for his own funeral.
Yup, Orin Hatch(R) thinks 'it's ridiculous' for McCain to keep the LYING, Orange Clown away from his funeral, after Capt Bone Spurs claimed he preferred heros 'who weren't captured', in a speech to the rightwingnut A-Holes who support the jerk, instead of a REAL American hero.
Remember when the Pubs were FOR veterans, the FBI, CIA, NSA, the Justice Dept and the American way, instead of the New York con man, Liar in Chief?
It wasn't that long ago, you gullible sheep.
Who can't see what's SO obvious?
Oh yeah, the clueless sheep, who choose Donald Trump over John McCain.
UNbelievable, but typical Repub bullshit, as they kiss the Liar in Chief's YUUUUGE ass.

Remember, a LONG time ago, when the Pubs had a hint of patriotism and respectability, and they'd choose McCain over the Liar in Chief? 


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