We should have known

The news that Donald Trump dictated his own medical report — despite it being signed by his personal physician Dr. Harold Bornstein — hardly comes as a surprise. In all my years studying, teaching and practicing medicine, I have never heard any doctor say “astonishingly excellent,” or call anyone or anything “unequivocally” the healthiest.
BUT, you know what? NO IS SURPRISED, cuz the LYING SOB lies SO MUCH, we are all used to it.
The difference? 2/3 of us CARE that the President of the US is a LYING sack o' crap. What happens when we, and the world, need to know the truth, and we have Doatrd telling us his version?
Like the boy who cried wolf, when it's important, no one will believe the Liar in Chief.
Who can't see this? Oh yeah, the clueless, gullible morons....


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