What? Dotard lied AGAIN?

What is it, lie number 3299?

The Liar in Chief claimed during a celebration of military spouses and mothers that the defense spending measure he approved earlier this year included the first pay raises for service members in a decade.
"First time in 10 years," Trump claimed during his remarks from the White House East Room.
Nothing new here, just another lie....
What'cha think rightwingnuts?
How many LIES,  five hundred, a thousand, three THOUSAND?
Who can count 'em as the WORST LIAR in history does his 'thang', and LIES like most people breathe, and the sheep don't give a shit, cuz he lies all the time and his minions don't even think about any more cuz the jerk(R) lies SO MUCH!
What? Another LIE? Who cares?????
And it all started, with Obama's birth certificate, as the gullible, clueless sheep(R) hung on every word, and voted STRAIGHT REPUB, like all good ignorant minions....


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