A want-ad from the White House was recently spotted,

Trump advisers quietly begin thinking about 'life after Sarah'
The press secretary says she has no plans to step down, but....

It seems like Sarah Hunkameat can’t take it any more.
She may have a ‘hint’ of a conscience, buried deep inside.

Wanted- Professional LIAR needed to represent Pathological LIAR.

Must be willing to avoid all facts, and be able to spin crap from the Liar in Chief’s mouth, which may/will change from minute to minute.
Absolutely ZERO ethics is a requirement, as well as the ability to LIE on a minute’s notice, disregarding FACTS and even recorded statements from your BOSS, who reports to the Kremlin, and CONTINUE lying until further notice, even with visual, recorded proof in front of your face.
Salary negotiable and most be willing ‘Sell Your Soul’ to the Devil, and become a ‘laughing stock’ to the 2/3 of the country that uses their brains.
BTW, the fact that 12 new tapes were just uncovered from Cohen’s ‘stash’ of recorded LIES from the Dotard has nothing to do with Sarah’s reported departure.

Notify the Orange Clown at the White House and kiss your credibility good bye. If in doubt, just ask Sean Spicer.....


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