As Dotard and his minions call it a ‘witch hunt’ and fake news

Robert Mueller(R), appointed by Repubs, has already indicted 12 members of the Orange Clown’s campaign committee, who LIED, then got caught, we now hear his life long lawyer saying he KNEW about the Russian meetings.
And Mueller has 35 witnesses against Manafort, after Dotard stood next to Putin, siding with the Russians against our own intel.
This, while the ignorant minions/morons side with the LIAR in Chief, the Pathological LIAR, against all logic, cuz he’s a PUB, which TRUMPS all reality, calling the investigation a ‘Witch Hunt’, and the HUYA morons agree.
Ya think maybe their heads are buried DEEPLY and firmly?
How else do you see/hear reality and refuse to believe?
Yup, deeply and firmly implanted....


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