As we finished a round, after we finished a round of golf...

We talked about our early days in Colorado, (all of us have been here about 50 years), when we didn’t have, or need, air conditioning.
Central air was nearly unheard of, even in the biggest, nicest houses.
A fan, or window unit, in the living room or bedroom was all you needed, on those few days when it would hit the 90’s.
And even on hot days you could depend on a cooling rain shower, mid afternoon.
WAY different now, and even though we don’t have the humidity, which makes heat unbearable, we have WAY more heat and WAY less rain.
I know the X-spurts at FOX claim climate change is a Liberal plot, but even the STUPIDEST among us, the FOXSheep, are starting to doubt those ‘highly qualified’ A-holes, led by Rush and Sean, just MAYBE don’t what know WTF they’re talking about.
The good news?
The gullible sheep who installed the Orange Clown, with the help of Comey and Putin, live mainly in the Bible Belt, where the heat and humidity make our weather seem ideal, and along with the rightwingnuts in AZ and NV, whose water supply is slowly disappearing, bear the brunt of the weather extremes.
Too bad, suckahs, and all the ‘hot air’ from Bullshit Mountain sure doesn’t help.


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