We’ve got a prez, who’s a pathological LIAR

Meeting secretly for two hours with the leader of Russia, while dissing ALL hiis own intel agencies, AND his own campaign staff has been proven to LIE, time and again, about meetings with the Russians, getting 12 of them indicted, and Putin ADMITS he helped elected the Bozo.....
SOOOO, who does the Repub brain trust choose to impeach?
The Repub, appointed BY Repubs, endorsed by nearly EVERY Pub, as a ‘straight shooter’, who is investigating the Russian interference in our election.
Yup, this is what our country is up against, with the Pubs currently in power, and the gullible minions who swallow FOXCrap like it’s the truth.

A bunch of flagrantly partisan numbskulls who have their OWN political hides at stake, in their stupidly Gerrymandered districts, where they still shout, “Lock Her Up’.
Even their own people had something to say to these ‘bought and paid for’ jerks(R).

Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, the author of "The Case Against Impeaching Trump," Thursday made a case against impeaching Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, calling the move "stupid" and "shortsighted" and accusing House representatives of giving Democrats "a present" they can use against President Donald Trump.
"It is the most shortsighted, and I have to say stupid thing I have heard in a long time," Dershowitz told Fox News' "America's Newsroom."


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