The same hypocritical jerks(R)

who bitched about Obama golfing too much, and bitched about Hillary’s ‘Private server’, cuz it could be hacked ‘by foreigners’ (OMG, what a joke), and bitched about ‘socialist giveaways by the Dems (OMG, again), and bitched about Obama LYING (you can keep your Dr, BUT, their boy is the biggest LIAR of all time)), and bitched about the ‘swamp’ in Washington (OMG, again) and bitching about Bill Clinton’s ‘sex’ problem, and bitching about Obamacare (Pubs will be better and cheaper, HA), while the Liar in Chief lies about EVERYTHING, with a totally incompetent Cabinet, a totally inept foreign policy (tariffs), a JOKE of a spokesperson, Sarah, after Sean, an EPA that is totally AGAINST the people and the environment, like Dotard’s killing of wind and solar while embracing COAL over natural gas (WHY????), like he embraces foreign dictators like Putin (obvious) and Jong Un, while pissing off (former) allies and trading partners,
and DENYING collusion, until saying it’s not illegal, as his campaign mgr and former lawyer are tried for LYING and treason, while his kid LIED about Russian meetings, until proven to be LYING, like Roger Stone and Rick Gates, and Manafort and Cohen and Papadopolous and all the other LIARS in his group esp Giuliani, who is totally off the rails, just listen to his latest rambling, lying rant. OMG, Alzheimer’s? And now the worst LIAR of all time calls the press ‘unhinged and crazy’ while labeling stories he doesn’t like as ‘fake news’, and we’re not even mentioning Dotard’s tax returns (HA).
Oh well, enough of the ‘highlights’.
Gonna be interesting as Doatrd’s buds try to avoid prison.
Good luck, HYPOCRITES(R), and I mean that in the worst possible way, as HYPOCRISY is probably the WORST of your many sins..


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