Gotta admit it’s tempting....

Yup, I could ‘monetize’ my blog, now that I’ve reached a certain number of readers, payiing for my beer, and maybe my greens fees, by allowing a few ads, specifically targeted to my audience (??).

BUT, not gonna do it, cuz that would be selling out my mission, which is to expose FOX, Dotard and his minions as LIARS and HYPOCRITES, preying on the gullible, who aren’t OUTRAGED when the US prez sides with Russia, instead of our wn contry’s intel, and flops back and forth on a daily basis, saying crap like, ‘I meant Wouldn’t instead of Would’, so shut up and swallow my LIES...

As we see our country being sold out to special interests and the ‘gullible among us’ being fed a constant stream of swill and propaganda, (Roger Ailes dream come true) at FOX, it’s hard to sit back and do nothing, so I try to expose the obvious LIES and hypocrisy that those who don’t have my time and resources, and just see in ‘sound bites and headlines’ that confirm their biases. An ad from some left wing source, or anyone, would make my message ‘suspect’, SOOO, no ads here.
I can afford my own beer and golf, thank you.....


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