One more time, for the chronically gullible,

Putin has financial records of Dotard’s financial dealing with Russia.
His son said, ‘When US financing  dried up, we got our money from Russia’. Google it.
Obviously he LIED on his taxes, which is a Federal Offense, ask Al Capone, and Putin has the FACTS.
If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, cuz your head is so deep in your ass.
Hey rightwingnut, you got a better explanation?


He’s a Pathological Liar.
He’s taking advantage of the chronically gullible?
Putin has a pee pee tape?
He’s the Manchrian Candidate?
All of the above

Actually, Putin has his financial records. Put those next to his tax returns, and we’re talking prison. Really simple, and explains Why he puts Russia above the US.


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