The price we pay for a YUUUUGE number of items is goin UP

 Cuz of Dotard’s tariff’s, which nearly ALL economists, including his own who quit or were fired, say are wrongheaded and dangerous.
This is like the Pubs who started the ethanol boondoggle, as corn is mandated for fuel, although it takes MORE energy to produce than it creates.
Not even a doubt, when ALL factors are considered.
Not only does this waste precious water, BUT, for every acre planted with corn there is one less acre for the food crops we eat, making those products MORE EXPENSIVE. So who ends up paying for this BS? Everyone who eats, including meat, cuz of the cattle, pork and chicken feed  that is more expensive, as corn goes into ethanol instead of the food chain.

SO, just like the ethanol follies, we’re gonna pay more for nearly everything, esp steel and aluminum products as the Liar in Chiefs tries to hurt other countries while WE pay more for everything.
Can you say ignorant, dangerous jerk?


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