As I look at the natural disasters, all over the country and world

and I hear/read about the TV preachers, who are revered by the rightwingnuts, blaming disasters on God’s wrath against the unrighteous, I can only think about Old Testament punishments, and my own mother’s explanation for weather disasters like Katrina.
As I worked to get insurance payments to Katrina’s victims, she explained that it was God’s wrath against gays and voodoo priests in New Orleans.
Yup, zero sympathy, cuz they ‘deserved it’, and brought God’s judgement on everyone, even the innocents. Collateral damage, which is OK....
Sooo, somewhere in Heaven Central Weather Directions there are those who look at sinners/righteous and direct the low pressure ares?
Yup, we got adulterers/drug addicts over there, and gluttoness/greedy liars over there....
God decided who was worse, (according to Heavenly Bookkeeping?) and they should be punished, SO BE IT......
The same Bibical justice that I heard from her many times.
If they aren’t Christian, and ‘they had the chance to convert’, (some itinerant missionary passed through their town?), they deserved whatever happened to them.
Has taken me years to admit my Christian mother was pretty much heartless, when bad things happened to non-Christians,
They deserved it, according to her.
And I heard it many times.
Palestinians, who had their centuries old land taken from them, after 1947?
Screw them, they deserve it, cuz their ancestors went ‘against God’, 18 centuries ago,
Bottom line, we butted heads, as the Bible was the ONLY source of truth, wisdom and justice, according to her.
Believe the ENTIRE thing, LITERALLY, or you’re going to hell. No middle ground.
AND you can CHOOSE what to believe.
What you REALLY believed, in the brain you were born with, was irrelevant.
Like I say, it’s taken years, but I’m ready to admit to the world she lived in, where everything is absolute, Her way, or the highway.
Accept the Bible as TRUTH, or go to hell.
Some wonder why we had disagreements?
And she passed her beliefs on to some willing disciples, willingly clueless, and VERY sanctimonious, 100% SURE of their anti-science myths, superstitions and bias.
I have a relative who makes a trained poodle look like Einstein, saying God DID have two bears kill 40 kids  for making fun of a bald guy (II Kings), cuz God needed to ‘get some respect’. No shit. That’s the mindset of one of the brainiacs....
The Bible Belt sheep who base their life, and all politics (REPUBLICAN) on rules written many centuries ago, where God hates gays, although they were  ‘BORN THAT WAY’.
The rightwingnuts can’t remember when THEY had to choose, gay or straight, and how difficult it was, (HA HA HA) BUT, they are 100% SURE in their hypocrisy, which makes them perfect FOXNews recruits(R), worshipping at the altar of Sean and Rush.
And they bitch about religious fanatics in the Middle East, who don’t believe their particular myths and superstitions.
Some things NEVER change, in the history of our planet.
My God is better than yours, and I’ll KILL you if you don’t agree.
Guess which party is ANTI-SCIENCE, and gets the ‘uneducated’ vote, where Trump, the Pussy Grabber, is a Christian, and deserves the sheeps’ support?
And you wonder how we got the Liar in Chief as prez?
It’s called unmitigated HYPOCRISY, and is an absolute requirement for being a Republican, where continual LIES, from the Liar in Chief, JUST DON’T MATTER cuz he’s ‘one of us’!


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