My morning wake-up routine is always the same...

I gradually gain consciousness, go in and out of sleep, and finally turn on the TV, to wake up.
My thoughts are always the same.
What did Dotard do/say while I was sleeping, and how stupid/dangerous was/is it....
The Liar in Chief rarely disappoints, if you’re looking for BAD news.
Today I woke up the Orange loon threatening to ‘shut it down’, as pertaining to our govt.
Ho hum...
If Obama had done crap like this the Pubs would have had a noose ready, as FOX went ‘bat shit crazy’, rallying the rightwingnuts to ‘defend our country’, blah blah blah...
BUT, with Dotard in charge it’s just another day in the shitstorm we find ourselves in, EVERY DAY.
And the rightwingnuts don’t give a shit.’
Shut down the country, to fade the heat from bimbos and Russians....
Nothing new here....
That’s where we are, with the F’ing clown elected by Comey, Putin and the Evangelicals, who have lost all credibility, that they MAY have had.
As per waking up, with Dotard news?????
If the missiles aren’t flying, it’s a good day
As per the gullible, clueless FOXSheep, there’s NOTHING they can do that would surprise me or think they are anywhere NEAR average intelligence, BUT, they they constantly prove how we got the LIAR IN CHIEF we have in the White House, where continual LYING is neither surprising or unexpected.
WTF is wrong with these people, as continual LYING has become accepted by the clueless, ignorant sheep.
They don’t even flinch, as the LIES flow from his vile mouth.
Remember when our country, and even the Pubs, cared about LYING?


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