In a Truly Trumpian ‘double whammy’

Dotard is raising energy costs AND polluting the air and water, by subsidizing ( a word the Pubs USED to hate) dirty, expensive coal. Who knows why....

Yup, he’s shutting down clean, efficient, low cost natural gas, and re-opening dirty coal plants, that cost more to operate while polluting the adjacent areas. It’s his ‘special gift’ to utility bill payers and those who like clean air and water.

Trump is using the Act of 1950, enacted as a drastic national-security measure to be deployed in time of war, to prop up failing coal and nuclear power plants. Invoking this act would be a blatant misuse of the law, which came into effect at the outset of the Korean War and with the intent of ensuring rapid mobilization of U.S. industries within the larger context of the Cold War. And it will be costly for anyone who pays an electric bill.
Today, the president wants to rely on the act to intervene in the energy market and bail out unprofitable power plants that can no longer compete against natural gas and renewables. The administration claims these plants are necessary to prevent blackouts on the grid — a claim nearly all experts say is untrue, but as usual the administration doesn’t let facts get in the way of decisions.


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