As I look at the Repub base,

Who don’t give a shit if/when Dotard is proven to be a Russian plant, I can’t help but think about a  relative, who is the poster boy for the anti-science, FOXCrap believing, ignorant, gullible, Bible Belt Base that gave us Dotard.
Who can explain it?
Not me, and I can’t understand it, until I look at the Bible Belt part, where putting your brain on the shelf, as you enter the imaginary world, is part of the mindset that Karl Rove tapped into.
Talking snakes, living in the belly of a whale, stopping the sun to extend a massacre, bears killing 40 kids for making fun of a bald guy, etc. No Problem.
IF, they can believe ancient myths and superstitions over modern science, they won’t have a problem believing crap like the Liar in Chief’s bullshit. Everything else, that they DON’t wanna believe, is Fake News, as per Dotard and their FOXLies ‘masters’.
And they vote.
Logic/rationality doesn’t enter the equation.
If they WANNA believe it, they will.
Facts be damned, as the Liar in Chief drips LIES from his vile mouth. No Problem!’He’s a Pathological LIAR and OBVIOUS Russian influence but who cares?

He’s a Repub! (HA!) And Hypocrites R Us.....

Congrats Karl, you tapped into a mindset that hasn’t evolved in the last few centuries.
Voila, Donald Trump as president.
Who da thunk?


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