Yahoo, finally back to Colorado weather, for the week

Was a high of 77 today, with some nice afternoon rain. Sorta like the good ol’ days, before the Liberal Hoax of Climate Change, reported by those scientific X-Spurts, Rush and Sean, took over.
Those Certified Climatologists, who agree with 3% (paid off by Big Oiil, look it up) of REAL Climatologists, with actual training,  agree that the entire ‘warming trend’, is just a normal ‘thang’, with all the trapped CO2 gases having ‘nothhing’ to do with, as their corporate bosses told them to say.
What kind of dumbass, anti-science moron would swallow this crap?
Oh yeah, the typical FOXNews minions who actually swallows the ‘corporate line’ from the clowns at FOX, while they sweat in their Bible Belt heat and humidity, that gets worse every year.
Too bad, so sad, sweaty, clueless, Pussy Grabber supporting, anti-science morons.....


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