According to recent surveys,

the YUUUGE majority of Pubs DON’T CARE if Russia hacked the last election and a large majority don’t BELIEVE they did, in spite of ALL US intel confirming it.
Think about it....
These hypocrites were screaming about Hillary’s Private Server, cuz it COULD be hacked, though it wasn’t. Now when there’s conclusive evidence our worst enemy DID hack our election, they don’t give a shit.
Putin obviously has dirt on Dotard, whether it’s a sex tape, or more probably, records of financial transactions, and he’ll use it to help Russia, NOT the US.
BUT, if I gotta explain it, you wouldn’t understand, so just insert your again and go back to your swill from State Media, located on Bullshit Mountain.

Blame the 400-Pound Guy
Waiting for Trump supporters to find their hearts, their brains or their patriotism is a fool’s errand.


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