I finally agree with Dotard, on his quote today

‘We are the laughing stock of the world’. The Liar in Chief is right, cuz HE represents us, or 1/3 of us. The FOXNews sheep that is.
And he’s represented by Rudy Giuliani, a total laughing stock, as he proves dementia is not a detriment in Dotard’s circle.
WOW, this idiot, Giuliani perfectly represents the ‘lunatic fringe’ that supports the Liar in Chief.
Sanity and credibility not required, to appeal to the rabid Trump supporters, as he now claims ‘collusion is not a crime’.
Seems he knows something about the tapes of Michael Cohen, in a world where the jerks(R) realize the Russians put Doatrd in office.
Which anyone with a functioning brain knew LONG AGO.
You idiots ever wonder WHY the Russians wanted your boy ‘in charge’?
Would be funny, if not so serious.
Yahoo for the Liar in Chief crowd, they now represent a small minority of the US, while a large MAJORITY hates his guts, and policies.
Again, hats off to Roger Ailes, who ‘BOUGHT” public opinion with his LYING network.
Best political money ever spent. Who da thunk the American public was/is SO stupid?
Roger Ailes....


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