You gotta give Dotard credit

He knows how to manipulate the press/people with his strategy of ‘chaos’, which he professes to love, and he’s put the ‘dic’ in dictatorship.
Remember, his entire political rise began with his ‘birther’ bullshit, when he claimed ‘you won’t believe what my investigators found in Hawaii’, and his racist minions began to climb aboard his Crazy Train. When turned out to be all LIES, the train full of FOXSwallowing sheep was well on it’s way, and LYING was readily accepted, as ‘alternative facts’.

By being a perpetual ‘dumpster fire’ he spreads a continual ‘smoke screen’, not allowing any issue, no matter how outrageous, to stand, without replacing it with something even worse.
From Russian contacts, to dumping on all our former allies, incl Mexico, Canada, Britain, Germany, etc, bad-mouthing NATO and all the trade deals built over the years, meeting in private with the Putin, getting a dictator-style military parade, paying off various bimbos, creating chaos on world markets with tariffs that NO ONE agrees with, to poking Iran with a stick, in ALL CAPS, and raising world oil prices, trashing the EPA and environmental protections, getting screwed by North Korea and pissing off China with proposed tariffs on EVERYTHNG, blatantly supporting polluting coal over natural gas for energy plants, refusing to disclose his taxes, which would show Russian financial backing, claiming credit for a booming economy handed to hm by Obama, continuing to run and support his financial empire while in office, holding constant campaign-style rallies, interspersed with golf outings nearly every weekend, Tweeting out shit at all hours of the night, dissing our country’s intel and the FBI, meeting with and being led by FOXNews ‘personlities’, while appointing them to high govt posts, stirring the pot with comments about NFL players protesting police violence agains blacks,, gutting the Cabinets with appointees that have vowed to wreck them, pushing anti-science ‘No Climate Change’ in the face of 97% of Climatologists findings, all after being elected, and supported by a MINORITY of Americans, all while continuing to LIE HIS ASS OFF.

I could go on forever, but you get the picture, as our country moves closer each day, to a dictatorship.
Thanks again, Comey, Putin and ‘Evangelicals’.....


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