After the He said, She said testimony today, they both seem believable, but that CANT be.

Not sure how to explain it, debut it could be he was so drunk he just doesn’t remember.
He claims to REALLY like beeer, and I believe him.
I also believe Dr Ford..
maybe his mind just blocked it, and he really doesn’t remover.
If that’s not the case, I don’t know what is
Let the FBI do their job and get Mark Judge and others under oath.
Just bring LOTS of water in case they are as thirsty as Kav Boy, who drank about eight bottles of water, as he cried and whimpered.

I actually believed Kav Baby until Sen Leahy asked him three direct questions, and the weasel wouldn’t answer ONE of them, but gave a YUUUGE fillibuster about what a good boy he was, and the high school yearbook where he bragged about drinking and chasing skirt was all made up.
A typical Clarence Thomas, Orange Clown performance, where LYING is the default position, and when confronted, just DENY, make shit up and move on, knowing the sheep will swallow it all, cuz truth just reply doesn’t matter, as Rudy and Kellyanne so artfully acknowledged.


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