FINALLY! Something the Pussy Grabber is qualified to comment on. Sexual allegations.

And the Liar in Chief has gone to his default mode, like he did with Stormy and all the others. DENY! DENY! DENY! Until the evidence is overwhelming, then lie some more.
Same old shit from Dotard s he defends his boy Kavanaugh, claim8ng the women are all liars, when he is the champion LIAR of all time.
Same old shit, some things never change.
After the Pubs denied Merrick Garland any chance, they will vote for Kavanaugh, no matter what.
And the rightwingnuts laugh all the way......
BTW, watching NBC bend over backwards to show both sides of the story, THEN watching the clowns at FOX shoveling the one sided propaganda to the sheep, it’s sickening, bit SO typical.


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