This is the crap that passes for news in rightwingnut world, and it’s total bullshit.

Michelle Obama said we “had” a great president. By what measure? Not in economic growth. Not in border enforcement. Not in strength on the world stage. Sit down, Michelle.

Oh really? Remember 2008 when everything crashed under Bush(R)?

Obama fixed it and gave us a GREAT economy, without an unpaid for tax break for the rich.

His border enforcement was at least as good as the Bush’s or better, without promising a WALL, that Mexico would pay for.
And as far as world standing, NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Obama was a respected leader who dealt with our friends and foes and encouraged world trade and cooperation, while keeping our economy on a steady slope for eight years.
Trump is a world wide JOKE, as witnessed at the UN. Breaking treaties and agreements, pissing off our former allies and kissing ass with the Russians who have him by the balls, while getting played by a third rate dictator in North Korea.
Outside of the 1/3 of America, who get their ‘news’ from FOX, Trump is a pariah in the civilized world with a YUUUGE majority claiming he’s a vain, incompetent, Russian planted JOKE, who’s also very dangerous, cuz it’s assumed he’s gonna start a war, just to change the subject.

Sit down and shut up, Tomi Lauren, you ignorant dime store Barbie and slink back to FOX, home of the brainless bimbos.


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