Lindsay Graham’s loud, outrageous, insane rant doesn’t really make sense,

unless you see it for what it was. The weasel was auditioning for Atty Gen for the Orange Clown.
Nothing else makes sense, cuz the Pubs OBVIOUSLY don’t want the facets, that the FBI would find, brought into the discussion.
Just like they don’t want the only other person in the room, during the attack on Dr Ford.
They can duck and dodge all they want, LYING and changing the subject whenever asked about the FBI and Mark Judge, but anyone with their head outside their ass can see what’s going on.
The Pubs wanna Rush him in before any investigation and before Dotard can be removed.
Can you blame them?

The Liar in Chief just found his next Atty Gen, who will fit in perfectly with the pack of lying clowns in the White House.


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