When Woodward’s book comes out, we’ll have to decide who to believe. Wow, that’s a tough one....

The problem here for Trump is credibility. In both his campaign and his Trump has shown he has little regard for facts -- To Trump, all facts are fungible. All data can be deciphered however he likes. (A prime example:Trump's easily debunked tweet on Monday that the gross domestic product has never been higher than the unemployment rate.) 
Woodward, on the other hand, has a very long track record of fact-based reporting. While Trump has tried to sully Woodward since excerpts of "Fear" emerged last week but, as recently as August 14 of this year, Trump told Woodward he has "always been fair.(We know this because Woodward recorded the conversation, with Trump's permission.) Woodward has literally built his career on having the receipts, on always being able to produce the tape or the transcript or the document that backs up his reporting. This is not a guy who makes big boasts and then fails to deliver on them. Quite the opposite. In a credibility fight, Trump loses. 
Dotard has been shown to be a Pathological Liar. CONSISTENTLY.
Nuff said.


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