Am getting negative feedback cuz I correctly pointed out, that the Christian church is in seious dedline in Norway and Sweden, as well as most of the world,

incl all of Europe and the US.
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.
It’s like reporting that Sears and Penney’s are going out of business in the US.
Like churches, the young people aren’t going, even though their parents did.
No matter how much YOU like shopping there, just look at the graph. They used to be YUUGE, but when people have choices, things change, no matter how much the zealots want to deny the facts. Hey, science is real and living in the belly of a whale isn’t.
Again, nothing against spirituality, but when you claim you have all the answers and everyone else is WRONG, that’s just arrogance/ignorance as you deny science in an age when learning/education beats myths and superstitions.
And you wonder WHY people have problems with ‘old time religion’, esp when the sheep  support Pat Robertson, Sean Hannity and the Pussy Grabber?


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