Wow, just when you think he can’t possibly get worse, Dotard’s always comes through, like his quote yesterday.

‘Mr. Pilsbury, the leading expert on China, says China has total respect for Donald Trump, and Donald Trump’s very, very large brain.’

I’m not shittin you. He said it. Google it.
The dumbass said it, and meant it.
If only the UN has been there so they could laugh their asses off at the vain, arrogant, incompetent
a-hole, who earlier said, ‘I’m like REALLY smart.’
You can’t make this stuff up.
Can you imagine the crap Obama would take for saying something like that?
But no one is even that surprised when Dotard comes up with bullshit like that.
This is the same jackhole who had the UN laugh at him and said, ‘I wasn’t expecting that, but that’s OK.’
And the next day said, ‘It was supposed to be a joke.’, and his dumbass minions swallow it all, cuz they either don’t get it, or don’t CARE he’s a Pathological LIAR.
Unbelievable, but SO Republican, as he plays to the double digit IQ crowd, that gets their ‘news’ from the Pub Propaganda channel.
Nothing new here.....


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