Dotard is at the UN, trying to get more laughs. The Orange Clown claims, without evidence, that China will interfere in the election, cuz, ‘They don’t want me to win.’

Wow, that’s funny.
SOOOO, foreign govtsl can only interfere if they WANT him to win?
There’s a reason EVERY US into agencyl says Russia interfered on his behalf during the 2016 election that he won the EC vote by a total of under 180,000 votes while losing the popular vote by over three million.
NOW, he bitches about China MAYBE interfering and his clueless, gullible, ignorant sheep cheer him on. An exclusive club that loves MAGA hats and a triple digit IQ is grounds for immediate disqualification.
If nothing else he IS funny. Just listen to the UNs laughter.


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