Dotard claims the Dems aren’t being fair with Kavanaugh

The Liar in Chief claims, ‘They just don’t want another Republican on the Supreme Court.’
Duh, ya think, you incompetent jerk(R), after what Mitch and the Pubs did with Obama’s pick, before Putin and Russia put their boy in the White House, although Hillary got over three million more votes?
Speaking of the Electoral College, that’s one of the hardest things to explain to foreigners who continually ask, how the hell did the Pussy Grabber become prez, when Hillary got over three million more votes?’
And I try to explain the EC and they almost always say, ‘SOOO, your vote doesn’t really count?’, and I sorta have to agree, when you look at how the Pubs have Gerymandered the districts and kept SOOO many from the polls with their ‘voter fraud’ (which doesn’t really exist) and bullahit photo ID rules, and lack of voting machines in Dem areas, and no Sunday voting in working class areas and Citizens United rules that unleashed corporate billions, and $$$ To churches so the preachers exhort the sheep to ‘vote Republican’, and FOX’News’ the ‘state media’, etc, etc...
Effective, but it really stinks....


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