Just toured the second oldest stave church in Norway, from the 1100’s and heard a lot about the ‘old days’o

when Norway’s king converted to Christianity and forced the rest of the country to follow, against their will, and they had NO rights unless they were certified by the local priest, who forced them to sit through long hours of preaching, in Latin, in an unheated church, where they were forced to attend, sick or not, and passed the germs amongst themselves. The church also took away ALL women’s rights, which were big in Scandinavian countries, where they could inherit property and were treated as equals, but NOT in the Christian church, where they became subservient the to men.
I asked our guide what % of Norwegians were Christian and she sighed and said, ‘Very few, just the old people, like the rest of Europe’.
The churches have now been repurposed to community centers and political meeting places, with the ground around them being used as a Christian cemetery.
The Norwegian’s, and Swede’s basic attitude, which I’ve heard over and over?
‘The religion was FORCED on us and as soon as we were able to leave it, we did.’

Who, with the science and education available to us, would still believe the old myths and superstition, they ask?
Actually, approx 16% of the country, like Sweden, according to Google, say religion is important in their lives. OLD people?
On birth certificates, where some stats are taken from, Christianity is the main religion, more so than (Muslim or Hindu, obviously, but not enough people go to church to keep the buildings open, esp in the cities, where churches are rarely seen.)
I WAS going to enlighten her, about Noah’s Ark, Adam and Eve, the 2 bears eating 40 children cuz they made fun of a bald guy, the earth is only 6000 years old and the fact she was obviously going to Hell, but I did not want to flaunt my intellec

And you wonder why the rightwingnuts don’t travel?
Why should they, when they can get their facts from their preachers and FOXNews, while sitting on their asses, ‘never question authority’, where the Christian religion is never questioned, as is the tenet that the US is superior and the rest of the world should kiss our ass, as their duly elected leader, the Orange Clown, preaches to the sheep, and they swallow the propaganda, while ALWAYS voting Republican, just as Roger Aisles planned.
Sickening, but SO Bullshit Mountainish.

Again, nothing against spirituality, but the arrogance of the ‘We’re Number One’ religious nuts, who claim to have all the answers, in spite of science and education, as their beliefs are in a serious, world-wide decline, is hard to stomach.


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