One thing that is OBVIOUS, after watching the Kavanaugh hearing.

Kav Baby does NOT want the FBI to investigate, and neither does the Repub committee trying to force him into SCOTUS before the FBI can do their job and find out who’s lying.
He doesn’t want Mark Judge, the other person in the room to be deposed.

Anybody wonder WHY?

Getting Mark Judge under oath would go a LONG way toward the truth, but Kev aBaby wants nothing to do with that.
And that’s the truth, no matter what aholes like Lindsay Graham rave about, while Kavanaugh answers every direct question by saying what a GREAT guy he is and wastes the five minutes given to the Dem questioner, claiming he is innocent of Ford’s attack, cuz he’s a choirboy, while his yearbook says just the opposite.
Sickening, but SO consistent with Repub values or as it’s better known, LYING.
After Kav Baby had his uninterrupted rant, he seemed like victim.

Then he was asked to answer some simple questions and he came across as a lying jerk, who will do/say anything to keep,the FBI and Mark Judge out of the entire process.

Get back to me when the jerks(R) allow the FBI to investigate, but don’t hold your breath, cuz the truth is the LAST thing they want.


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